- 10/12/2015 5:17:00 PM

After share bidding, ACV finalized at an average price of VND 14,344. In which, maximum successful price was VND 38,300; minimum successful price was VND 13,100. This price range is as expected by the corporatizing advisor BSC.
HOCHIMINH STOCK EXCHANGE - In the morning of December 10th, 2015, the Ministry of Transportation, Airports Corporation of Vietnam (ACV) and Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) conducted a bid on the initial public offering of ACV shares. The Minister of Transportation, Dinh La Thang, leaders of the same Ministry, Airports Agency, investors and press attended this important event.
According to HOSE, quantity of bidding shares in this IPO of ACV is 77,804,122 units, equivalent to 3.47% of charter capital, face value: VND 10,000 per unit. Starting price: VND 11,800. Right before the bidding commencement, buying quantity had doubled selling quantity. Lowest price equals starting price which is VND 11,800. After the bid, ACV shares finalized at an average price of VND 14,344; maximum successful price was VND 38,300; minimum successful price was VND 13,100.
As pointed out in the analysis report of BSC, ACV business is effective thanks to its solid foundation. Specifically, in 2012 – 2014 period, average revenue was 14%  and profit after tax was 30% each year. In the particular first 06 months of 2015, ACV recorded VND 4.053 billion of revenue, increased by 33% and recorded VND 533 billion of profit after tax, increased by 135% of the same period last year.
BSC also evaluates that ACV business may grow steadily in the 2015 – 2020 period. Specifically, based on forecasts, ACV is expected to earn VND 10.130 billion profit after tax in 2015. In the following period, average growth rate reaches 7% per year in terms of revenue and 9% per year in terms of profit from operating activities.

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