A warming Tet at Ta Xi Lang

BSC - 26/01/2015 3:20:00 PM

It has become a beautiful culture of the BSC, every year end, young Youth Union again depart to find the poor land in highlands with the desire to contribute to sharing love and reduce difficulties of going to school for children.

In the cold winter weather, the BSC Youth Union eagerly set out for the children of Hong Ngoc Kindergarten in Ta Xi Lang Commune, Tram Tau District, Yen Bai Province on 22 and 23 January, 2016. Separated by deep pools, high mountains and cliffs, the road to Ta Xi Lang was extremely difficult. The monorail with more than 17km of hilly hills, on one side was a mountain and on the other side was the abyss with 15-40 degrees slopes, took us more than an hour to reach the center of the commune. There were only one Committee headquarters, school, clinic, and some sporadic houses. The nearest village was 3km and the furthest was 30km. The commune only had 1-2 tiny grocery stores and no market.

At 8h00, the group went to the main school and receive a warm reception from the leaders of Hong Ngoc School - Ta Xi Lang. The gifts were handed to the students in the hope that they will motivate both the teachers and the students to overcome difficulties to attain knowledge.

10h00, the group continued to move to the Chong Chua School, which was 5 km away but due to bad weather, rough terrain, it took the group three and a half hours travelling on foot to the school and travelling on foot back. Nevertheless, the warm clothes, socks, hats and blankets from BSC Youth Union were eagerly received and welcomed by the teachers and students. The happiness of the people of the school made the group easily forget about our tiredness and difficulties on the journey.

17h00, the union bid farewell to the school to move down to downtown Yen Bai, prepared to return to Hanoi.


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