Title 20240701_BSC_Vietnam Daily Review_VN_Market liquidity was still weak
Report Type Báo cáo ngày
Source BSC
Bussiness HOSTC
Detail Date : 01/07/2024
Total pages : 6
Language : English
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Market outlook

VN-Index traded in the range of 1,240 - 1,245 all morning session before rebounding in the afternoon session and closing at 1,254.56 points, up more than 9 points compared to the previous session. Market breadth tilted to the positive side with 14/18 sectors increasing, of which the Retail led the increase, followed by Tourism and entertainment, Construction and materials,... Regarding foreign investors , today they were net sellers on the HSX and a net buyers on the HNX. Liquidity still remained at a low level. VN-Index has not shown any signs of escaping the trading range of 1,250 ± 10 points in the coming sessions.
Futures contracts
Futures contracts all increased according to the movement of VN30.
Covered warrants
During the trading session on 01/07/2024, warrants fluctuated according to the struggling movement of the underlying stocks.
• VN-Index +9.24 points, closing at 1254.56 points. HNX-Index +0.97 points, closing at 238.56 points.
• Pulling the index up: CTG (+1.36), MWG (+1.29), VCB (+1.25), BID (+0.92), VRE (+0.84).
• Pulling the index down: FPT (-0.67), TCB (-0.59), POW (-0.20), LPB (-0.19), BCM (-0.18).
• The matched trade value of VN-Index reached VND 11,857 billion, decreased -29.68% compared to the previous session. The total transaction value reached VND 13,079 billion.
• The trading range is 14.49 points. The market had 276 gainers, 62 remaining unchanged, 141 losers.
• Foreign investors' net selling value: VND -789.64 billion on HOSE, including FPT (VND -248.89 billion), FUEVFVND (VND -209.64 billion), TCB (VND -91.47 billion), VHM (VND -73.54 billion), DGC (VND -64.57 billion). Foreign investors were net buyers on HNX with the value of VND 9.05 billion.
BSC30, BSC50 performance
• BSC30 +0.85%. Positive stocks: MWG (+5.45%), CTG (+3.23%), DGW (+2.78%).
• BSC50 +1.21%. Positive stocks: VRE (+6.85%), TNG (+5.38%), CSV (+3.95%).