Title VTP_BUY_TP 60,000_Upside 3.0_MARKET SHARE CONTINUES TO DECLINE _BSC_Vietnam company update
Report Type Phân tích công ty
Source BSC
Bussiness VTP
Detail Date : 23/09/2022
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Language : English
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We do not make recommendations for VTP shares and estimate the fair value of this stock in 2023 at VND 60,000 per share based on the target P/E method = 13x, lower than the average P/E (2018-2021) = 21-29x due to concerns about (1) high competition of the delivery segment on the exchange, (2) Slow progress of logistics in the near future. We think that the target P/E = 13x is in line with (1) the overall growth rate of VsTP's courier segment = 10-15%/year, (2) VNINDEX P/E = 15-16x with average EPS growth = 20%/year


In 2022, BSC forecasts VTP to record DTT = 23,277 billion VND (+9% yoy), NPATMI = 427 billion VND (+44% yoy), equivalent to EPS FW 2022 = 4,126 VND, P/E FW 2022 = 13.9, P/B FWD 2022 = 3.6x. In 2023, BSC forecasts VTP to record DTT = VND 24,386 billion (+5% yoy), NPATMI = VND 472 billion (+10% yoy), equivalent to EPS FW 2023 = VND 4,556, P/E FW 2022 = 12.6, P/B FWD 2022 = 3.0, based on the following main assumptions:

1. Commercial segment: Revenue + 2% yoy, profit margin = 0.41% - equivalent to 2021. 2. Service segment - Delivery & Logistics:

  • BSC forecasts that the courier industry will grow by +20-25% per year in 2022-2023.
  • VTP's market share = 12.4% and 11.3% in 2022/2023 due to lower output growth than the industry average.
  • Gross profit margin = 8.5% in 2022 based on both pricing prices: employee expenses + 13% yoy – based on assumption 1H.2022, NVL costs +31% yoy due to nvl prices increase, service costs purchased out +38% yoy + due to increased gasoline prices. Compared to 2021, the gross profit margin of the service segment is + 1 percentage point due to the low gross profit base in Q3-4.2021. By 2023, BSC assumes gross profit margin = 8.5%.

3. Assumed new investment value = VND 70 billion in 2022 – 23 based on the assumption of investment costs in 1H.2022. BSC has not included in the forecast of the logistics investment package 2022- 2025 = VND 3,500 billion because it is not sure of the disbursement plan.

VTP's gross profit margin is +0.7 points %/0.1 percentage points in 2022/2023 due to an increase in the proportion of the delivery segment with higher gross profit margin.


  • In 1H.2022, revenue + 9% yoy: In which, delivery segment revenue + 36% yoy due to price +30% yoy, output +5-6% yoy,
  • Gross margin decreased -0.3% yoy as gross margin of delivery segment decreased by 3.2% yoy, commercial segment +1% yoy.

CATALYST: (1) Hose exchange transfer, (2) Viettel divestment at VTP.