Title BSC_Macro & Market 02/2024_240313
Report Type Phân tích vĩ mô
Source BSC
Bussiness HOSTC
Detail Date : 13/03/2024
Total pages : 41
Language : English
File Type : .PDF
FileSize : 4119 Kb
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Short Content


  1. Global macro economy
  2. World commodity prices and stock markets
  3. Global monetary policies

  1. Vietnam macroeconomic forecast 2024 - 2025
  2. Notable Policies
  3. GDP growth and consumption
  4. Monetary policy
  5. Fiscal policy
  6. Exchange rate and Import - Export
  7. FDI & PMI 
  8. Corporate bond and government bond
  9. Monthly macro heatmap

  1. Stock Market and forecast
  2. Valuation
  3. Liquidity and structure
  4. Individual investors in the market
  5. Foreign cash flow
  6. ETF cash flow
  7. Derivatives market
  8. Performances of sectors
  9. Sectors business results
  10. BSC 30, BSC 50 performance
  11. BSC 30, BSC 50 portfolio