Unit: 1.000.000đ
  2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
1. Total business operating revenue 1,107,161 1,239,381 1,055,850 978,581 1,759,044
2. Deductions of revenue 29,947 37,290 42,366 10,677 2,906
3. Net revenues (1)-(2) 1,077,215 1,202,091 1,013,483 967,904 1,756,138
4. Cost of goods sold 920,883 974,047 893,661 858,127 1,667,602
5. Gross profit (3)-(4) 156,332 228,043 119,823 109,777 88,536
6. Revenue of financial operations 11,691 83,856 24,039 8,376 13,418
7. Financial expense 44,242 89,035 144,493 78,200 62,878
-In which: Loan interest expenses 13,345 32,499 56,334 62,445 60,708
8. Profit or loss from joint ventures, associated companies 0 -1,908 -32,445 -36,301 -10,641
9. Cost of sales 21,744 63,242 56,976 20,856 27,770
10. Enterprise administration expenses 51,715 59,001 62,230 146,849 212,207
11. Net profit from business operations (5)+(6)-(7)+(8)-(9)-(10) 50,321 98,714 -152,283 -164,053 -211,542
12. Other income 3,177 5,540 196,345 31,786 15,058
13. Other expenses 2,125 6,751 5,005 16,491 15,667
14. Other profit (12)-(13) 1,052 -1,211 191,341 15,296 -608
15. Total accounting profit before tax (11)+(14) 51,373 97,503 39,058 -148,758 -212,150
16. Costs of current corporate income tax 2,447 12,475 4,429 2,854 2,513
17. Costs of deferred corporate income tax -1,323 3,817 19,267 -2,688 -1,407
18. Costs of corporate income tax (16)+(17) 1,124 16,292 23,696 166 1,107
19. Profit after corporate income tax (15)-(18) 50,248 81,211 15,362 -148,924 -213,256
20. Interest after tax of shareholders who not control 9,242 12,512 -2,348 -4,062 -7,287
21. Profit after tax of parent company shareholders (19)-(20) 41,006 68,699 17,710 -144,862 -205,969
Number of outstanding shares
Earnings per 1 share (basic EPS)
Earnings per 1 share (diluted EPS)