Unit: 1.000.000đ
  Q1 2023 Q2 2023 Q3 2023 Q4 2023 Q1 2024
I. Cash flows from operating activities
- Cash received from interst income and similar income 6,593,322 7,210,381 6,754,560 7,403,654 6,837,096
- Interest expense and similar expenses paid -2,861,659 -4,224,957 -2,955,308 -5,197,891 -3,777,982
- Cash received from services provided 695,739 803,609 665,872 114,080 715,126
- Difference between cash received and cash paid from operating activities (foreign currency, gold and securities) 136,962 388,951 715,928 171,861 463,485
- Other cash received -4,417 -69,878 -127,712 -207,465 -104,459
- Cash received from absolved debts which were covered by risk provisions 45,663 54,135 38,310 165,556 87,921
- Cash paid to employees and administration actitivities -1,693,916 -1,841,491 -1,263,013 -1,523,886 -1,771,907
- Income tax paid -1,288,504 -200,000 -103,294 -20,516 -712,723
Cashflow from operating activities before changes in operating assests and working capital 1,623,190 2,120,750 3,725,343 905,393 1,736,557
1. Changes in operating assets
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements with and loans to other credit institutions -1,028,684 240,672 -426,586 -770,410 3,436,834
- Increase/(Decrease) in trading securities and securities investment -5,294,724 5,234,669 5,833,655 2,655,448 3,188,272
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and other financial assets -79,050 -12,586 294,883
- Increase/(Decrease) in loans and advances to customers -10,805,737 -4,344,761 -2,764,591 -24,671,351 3,714,269
- Increase/(Decrease) in provision to compensate for damages -53,583 -79,689 -1,161,251 -1,719,010 -1,149,912
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating assets -2,413,372 258,962 357,918 2,729,605 -595,501
2. Changes in operating liabilities
- Increase/(Decrease) in borrowings from the government and State Bank of Vietnam -20,372 2,563,510 -2,610,940 -27,217 2,361
- Increase/(Decrease) in placements and borrowings from other credit institutions 12,890,213 3,227,292 7,889,766 -13,407,831 8,337,179
- Increase/(Decrease) in deposits from customers 6,038,153 -1,871,163 -5,373,487 14,508,136 -17,434,203
- Increase/(Decrease) in valuapapers issued -917,745 -3,697,684 -3,057,648 6,000,290 7,600,097
- Increase/Decrease in trusted funds which the bank has to incur credit risk -11,449 -52,425 -18,581 -8,157 1,258
- Increase/(Decrease) in derivatives and funds received from other institutions 128,486 -62,336 202,199
- Increase/(Decrease) in other operating liabilities 116,920 212,860 -155,295 198,980
- Cash paid from funds of credit institution -520,907
Net cash flows from operating activities -594,067 3,704,467 3,029,827 -14,022,735 9,238,390
II. Cash flows from investment activities
- Money decrease due to selling sub-company
- Purchase of fixed assets -109,495 -41,000 -154,976 -180,318 -71,651
- Proceeds from disposal of fix assets 332 152
- Payment on disposal of fixed assets -3
- Purchase of investment properties
- Proceeds from disposal of investment properties
- Payment on disposal of investment properties
- Investment in other entities -22,420
- Proceeds from disinvestment in other entities
- Dividends and interest received
Net cash flows from investment activities -109,495 -41,000 -154,644 -180,166 -94,074
III. Cash flows from financing activities
- Proceeds from share issuances
- Capital form issuances of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts 6,117,800
- Repayment of long-term bonds which are considered as the tier 2 and long-term debts -426,300 -122,100 -39,500 -70,800 -5,000
- Dividends paid -3,954,389 0
- Purchase treasury shares
- Proceeds from reissue of treasury shares
Net cash flows from financing activities -426,300 -4,076,489 -39,500 6,047,000 -5,000
IV. Net cash flows of the year -1,129,862 -413,022 2,835,683 -8,155,901 9,139,316
V. Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year 52,301,571 51,181,779 50,758,687 53,732,822 45,441,602
VI. Effect of foreign exchange differences 10,070 -10,070 138,452 -138,452 6,866
VII. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of year 51,181,779 50,758,687 53,732,822 45,438,469 54,587,784