
Business sector


Date of incorporation 30/10/2006
Certificate of registration number 0301266564
Date of issue 20/01/2022
Capital 40,000,000,000,000
Tax Code 0301266564
Sectors & Industries Chemicals > Commodity Chemicals

Listing information

Date of listing 20/01/2022
Stock exchange HOSTC
Par Value 10,000
Initial Listing Price 11,570
Listing Volume 4,000,000,000
Total Listing Value 40,000,000,000,000

Management team

Trần Công Kha Chairman of the Board of Directors
Hà Văn Khương Members of the Board
Nguyễn Hay Members of the Board
Đỗ Hữu Phước Members of the Board
Lê Thanh Hưng Members of the Board
Nguyễn Đông Phong Members of the Board
Phạm Văn Hỏi Em Board of internal controllers
Nguyễn Minh Đức Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Võ Văn Tuấn Member of the Board of Internal controllers
Lê Thanh Hưng Chief of Executive Officer
Phạm Hải Dương Deputy CEO
Lê Đình Bửu Trí Deputy CEO
Trần Thanh Phụng Deputy CEO
Trương Minh Trung Deputy CEO
Huỳnh Kim Nhựt Deputy CEO
Đỗ Hữu Phước Deputy CEO
Lưu Thị Tố Như Chief Accountant
Phạm Văn Hỏi Em Representative Spokesman